
Terms And Conditions

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") have been designed to provide clear guidance and legally binding terms in respect of services provided by ALPHA ARABIA FINANCE Company, a company duly incorporated under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (hereinafter referred to as " ALPHA ", or "the Company"). These Terms govern the use of ALPHA FINANCE application for financing services, the ALPHA website, and your relationship with the Company as well as any other services that are made available using the ALPHA application from time to time (the "Services"). This document is available both in Arabic and English.

These Terms are being presented for customer review and acceptance before granting consent for the completion of the on-boarding and registration process (hereinafter referred to as "Registration") by the Company. Registration is a pre-requisite for the use of the ALPHA application and the enlisted products and services. Registration requires the Company to undertake "Know Your Customer" checks (hereinafter referred to as "KYC") to verify the customer as an authorized user of the Services and will only be undertaken once upon indication of customer’s acceptance of the Terms.

Please read these Terms carefully, before the completion of Registration, as the Terms affect customer rights and liabilities under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If the customer disagrees with these Terms, they must refrain from using the ALPHA application. By registering for the application, the user acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms.

  • Definitions

The following words and phrases shall provide the following meanings as follows:

  • "Application" means the platform is on the company’s website and mobile app used as the digital platform to avail ALPHA products and services.

  • "SAMA" means the Saudi Central Bank.

  • "SIMAH" means the Saudi Credit Bureau.

  • "Customer Care Center" means the centralized customer care number which Customers may access 24 hours a day.

  • "Distributor/Agent" is the vendor assigned and/or listed by ALPHA to provide products and services.

  • "Distributor’s Services" are the services and functions undertaken by the distributors/agents listed with ALPHA.

  • "KYC" refers to the "Know-Your-Customer" process and to the personal identification details of a customer which are authenticated as per SAMA and other government entity requirements.

  • "Lending" refers to the financing products offered to ALPHA Customers. ALPHA determination of the Customers eligibility to receive financing will be at ALPHA FINANCE’s sole discretion and in accordance with the defined qualification criteria and policies.

  • "Money Laundering" refers to all activities prohibited in accordance with the KSA’s Anti-Money Laundering laws and rulings.

  • "Activation Code" means the 4-digit pin code that may be issued to the Customer upon registration to the ALPHA app. The 4-digit pin code is used to activate the Customer’s account.

  • “ALPHA” is a company registered under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a registered headquarter located in Riyadh.

  • Registration and Requirements

  • Registration to the ALPHA account can be completed through the Application.

  • Registration is subject to the collection of complete KYC information and validation of Customer's identity in accordance with SAMA regulations.

  • ALPHA reserves the right, at any time, to undertake all relevant steps and procedures necessary to ensure compliance with all relevant and applicable SAMA KYC requirements.

  • The Customer must certify that all information provided is correct, complete, and precise.

  • ALPHA reserves the right at any time to reject an application on boarding request in the event of any discrepancies or inaccuracies in the information or documentation provided by the Customer.

  • Upon registration to the ALPHA application, the Customer will receive a confirmation message that verifies the successful creation of the account.

  • The Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. If the information provided by Customer is determined to be incorrect, erroneous or misleading, ALPHA bares no responsibility and is not liable for any consequences that may result from the provision of such misleading information.

  • If the customer has actual or constructive knowledge regarding the inaccuracy of the information provided about his/her Account, the Customer must notify ALPHA by contacting 8001200066 or Info@alphafinance.com.sa as soon as possible.

  • If ALPHA discovers that the information provided by Customer is false, erroneous or misleading, ALPHA reserves the right to terminate the Customer’s Account at any time, with or without notice.

  • Termination by ALPHA will be effective immediately or as may be specified in a notice.

  • Termination of the Customer’s Account will include disabling the Customer’s access to the Application as well.

  • Security and Unauthorized Usage

  • The Customer shall be solely responsible for the confidentiality, safety and security of their username and password in the application.

  • The Customer shall be solely responsible for the consequences arising out of unauthorized use of the ALPHA application.

  • If service is lost, malfunctioned or otherwise compromised, the customer shall promptly inform ALPHA by contacting 8001200066 or Info@alphafinance.com.sa where the account will be blocked and new Credentials will be issued to the Customer after the requisite validation.

  • The Customer is responsible for maintaining the secrecy of the username, password and any other access Code provided by ALPHA.

  • The Customer is prohibited from disclosing the log in details Code to anybody, including the Customer Care employee or Customers Care Center.

  • Customer’s Obligations

  • The Customer is responsible for any fees and charges associated with the financing facilities provided.

  • The Customer shall not use ALPHA Services for any purpose that may be construed as contrary or unacceptable to any applicable laws, SAMA regulations, guidelines, judicial statements, ALPHA policies or public policy or for any purpose that might negatively affect the reputation of ALPHA. 

  • Data Protection and Confidentiality

  • Privacy of communication is subject to the terms granted by SAMA and its resolutions and circulars; the customer agrees to facilitate the provision of ALPHA Services. ALPHA may be required by law or otherwise to disclose any information or details about the Customer to any governmental authority.

  • The brand names, logos, design, compilation, information, computer code (including source code and object code), products, software, services, and all other elements of the app provided by ALPHA are protected by copyright and patent and are the sole property of ALPHA and any unlawful use or copy will be dealt with in the relevant court law.

  • Personal and financial information of Customer can only be accessed and used by authorized employees of the company.

  • ALPHA shall utilize all reasonable measures to ensure that Customer Transactions and information remain secure and confidential.

  • ALPHA holds no warranty of any kind about the system, the network, system functionality, performance, or for any loss or damage, whenever and whatsoever suffered or incurred by the Customer resulting from connection disruption during the use of ALPHA application.

  • Disclaimer and Indemnity

  • ALPHA and its affiliates, licensors, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, and agents disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of title, non-infringement, accuracy, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranties that may arise from course of dealing, course of performance or usage of trade.

  • The Customer acknowledges that they are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all mobile, hardware and other equipment needed to access and use the app, and all charges related thereto.

  • ALPHA makes no express or implied warranty, guarantee, or undertaking whatsoever regarding ALPHA services, which are not expressly mentioned herein.

  • ALPHA shall not be liable to any person for any delays, loss of business, profit, revenue, anticipated savings, damages, fees, costs, and expenses whatsoever in relation to the services incurred by ALPHA.

  • The Customer agree to indemnify, defend, and hold ALPHA and/or related parties harmless from all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including and without limitation legal fees and expenses, arising out of or related to the use or misuse of the ALPHA application, for any violation of these Terms and Conditions, or any breach of the warranties, and covenants.

  • Changes of Terms and Conditions

  • ALPHA FINANCE has the right to make any changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time. The client will be notified, in addition to other verified channels, through a text message to their authorized mobile phone, at least 30 business days prior to the effective date of the new amendments. The customer has the right to object if they do not agree.

  • The Customer’s continuous use of the ALPHA Services following any enhancement /alterations and/or change of policies and Terms would indicate the acceptance of the updated terms and policies.

  • The Terms herein shall be subject to the notifications/ guidelines issued by SAMA, from time to time.

  • General Terms and Conditions

  • The Customer should inform ALPHA immediately of any changes to his/her information by contacting ALPHA through 8001200066 or Info@alphafinance.com.sa

  • Any dispute with or complaint against any financial services provided through the ALPHA must be directly reported by the Customer through 8001200066 or Info@alphafinance.com.sa

  • In the event of any dispute, customer transaction records with ALPHA shall be binding as the conclusive evidence of the transactions carried out using the application.

  • The Customer agrees to receive notification that may be in form of SMS messages from ALPHA on the number provided by the customer in the registration request form.

  • These Terms (or any amended copy) are considered an agreement committing the Customer or his representatives to the terms and conditions stipulated herein.

  • All rights and reparations mentioned in this agreement are accumulative and do not exclude any rights or reparations stipulated by the law.

  • This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all disputes arising out of this document will be referred to the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Applicable Law

This contract is subject to and interpreted according to the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ("KSA"), and all conflicts emerging herewith will be referred to the KSA courts.

  • Customer Consent

I hereby declare that I have read the above and clearly understand the content. By agreeing to the above I acknowledge and agree that:

  • I authorize ALPHA to access my personal information via ABSHER platform or any other governmental institution.

  • I agree to provide the company with any information or data that it requests from me to establish my account with it and/or to review it and/or to manage it, and I authorize it to obtain whatever information it needs or needs regarding me or any other account I have with SIMAH Company and/or any A government entity, and to disclose my information and my aforementioned account or any other account I have with it to SIMAH  Company and/or any other entity approved by the SAMA. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to review my Account statements and related notices promptly upon receipt of related notification.

  • I agree to pay any applicable fees and charges or taxes pertaining to the financial product and /or services availed.

  • I agree to be responsible for any damages, costs or termination of financial contract incurred due to my failure to acknowledge any related notices.

  • I agree to notify ALPHA in writing, by telephone or through a mediator as advised by ALPHA of any changes to my Account information or other information that I have provided in connection with these Terms.